The Gospel in Bonds: 8 Years in Soviet Gulags - Imprisoned for His Faith


A Soviet government tried to extinguish God's Truth by placing its messengers in bonds. But the light of God's Word and its hope of salvation could not be destroyed even in the darkest prison camp .Georgi Vins, a Baptist pastor living in the U.S.S.R., was 37-years-old the first time he was imprisoned for his faith in a Soviet prison camp. He left behind his wife, his children, and his church. Over the course of thirteen years, Pastor Vins spent a total of eight years in the gulags. But in the pages of this book, you won't read about a man who felt sorry for himself or who wallowed in the misery of his sufferings. Rather, you will hear the true stories of believers whose faith in Jesus Christ took pre-eminence in their lives and who allowed nothing, not even a Communist government, to take away their faith and their hope. Threaded through The Gospel in Bonds is an intricately woven theme of love for God's Word and faith in the Gospel, even in the midst of severe punishment and deprivation. The pages of this book will give you insight into the mind of a man uniquely used by God and encourage you to an ever-closer walk with the Savior, Jesus Christ!

Pub Date: May 25, 2020

SKU: 104-2023

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A Soviet government tried to extinguish God's Truth by placing its messengers in bonds. But the light of God's Word and its hope of salvation could not be destroyed even in the darkest prison camp .Georgi Vins, a Baptist pastor living in the U.S.S.R., was 37-years-old the first time he was imprisoned for his faith in a Soviet prison camp. He left behind his wife, his children, and his church. Over the course of thirteen years, Pastor Vins spent a total of eight years in the gulags. But in the pages of this book, you won't read about a man who felt sorry for himself or who wallowed in the misery of his sufferings. Rather, you will hear the true stories of believers whose faith in Jesus Christ took pre-eminence in their lives and who allowed nothing, not even a Communist government, to take away their faith and their hope. Threaded through The Gospel in Bonds is an intricately woven theme of love for God's Word and faith in the Gospel, even in the midst of severe punishment and deprivation. The pages of this book will give you insight into the mind of a man uniquely used by God and encourage you to an ever-closer walk with the Savior, Jesus Christ!

Pub Date: May 25, 2020

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Weight0.5 lbs
Dimensions8.4 × 5.5 × 0.7 cm

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