60 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure: What You Need to Know to Save Your Life


You may have high blood pressure and not even know it. Yet high blood pressure greatly increases your risk for a devastating heart attack or stroke. What can you do to discover whether you're at risk, disarm this silent killer, and increase your chances of enjoying the years you've been given? In 60 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure, physician and bestselling author Robert Lesslie provides easy-to-understand, expert advice, including what your blood pressure numbers mean and what you can do to improve them the truth about the benefits of exercise, sleep, and stress reduction how to know if you need medication and if so, which kind Dr. Lesslie's proven ways to lower your blood pressure show you the steps to take on your way to long-term health and a more vibrant life.

Pub Date: January 1, 2016

SKU: 115-0282

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You may have high blood pressure and not even know it. Yet high blood pressure greatly increases your risk for a devastating heart attack or stroke. What can you do to discover whether you're at risk, disarm this silent killer, and increase your chances of enjoying the years you've been given? In 60 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure, physician and bestselling author Robert Lesslie provides easy-to-understand, expert advice, including what your blood pressure numbers mean and what you can do to improve them the truth about the benefits of exercise, sleep, and stress reduction how to know if you need medication and if so, which kind Dr. Lesslie's proven ways to lower your blood pressure show you the steps to take on your way to long-term health and a more vibrant life.

Pub Date: January 1, 2016

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Weight0.49 lbs
Dimensions5.4 × 0.5 × 8.5 cm

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