Showing 1–24 of 39 results
Abandoned on the Wild Frontier: Introducing Peter Cartwright,1812
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Ambushed in Jaguar Swamp: Introducing Barbrooke Grubb,1899-1900 Paraguay
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Assassins in the Cathedral: Introducing Festo Kivengere,1976 to 1979
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Attack in the Rye Grass: Introducing Marcus and Narcissa Whitman,
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Blinded by the Shining Path: Introducing Rómulo Sauñe-1992 -Trailblazer Book #38
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Caught in the Rebel Camp: Introducing Frederick Douglass -1862-63
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Danger on the Flying Trapeze: Introducing D.L. Moody,1893 Chicago,
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Defeat of the Ghost Riders: Introducing Mary McLeod Bethune, 1904-20
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Drawn by a China Moon: Introducing Lottie Moon, 1893 to 1901 China
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Escape from the Slave Traders: Introducing David Livingstone 1853
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Exiled to the Red River: Introducing Chief Spokane Garry,1822 to
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Fate of the Yellow Woodbee: Introducing Nate Saint, 1956 Ecuador #24
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Flight of the Fugitives: Introducing Gladys Aylward,1934 to 1940
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Hostage on the Nighthawk: Introducing William Penn,1699-1700 Pennsylvania
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Imprisoned in the Golden City: Introducing Adoniram and Ann Judson,1824
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Journey to the End of the Earth: Introducing William Seymour,1906
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Kidnapped by River rats: Introducing William and Catherine Booth,
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Listen for the Whippoorwill: Introducing Harriet Tubman, 1853 Maryland #10
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Mask of the Wolf Boy: Introducing Jonathan and Rosalind Goforth,
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Quest for the Lost Prince: Introducing Samuel Morris, 1892-93 Africa
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Risking the Forbidden Game: Introducing Maude Cary,1925 1928 Morocco
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Roundup of the Street Rovers: Introducing Charles Loring Brace, 1854
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Shanghaied to China: Introducing Hudson Taylor -Trailblazer Books #9
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Sinking the Dayspring: Introducing John Paton, 1865 to 1868 South
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