In this story, set in the 1630s in Switzerland, Hans Miller, a teenager, is faced with a hard decision. All his life he has admired the Swiss Army and longs to someday become a captain. But his Anabaptist neighbors speak of a different army and its Captain. What should he do? Although the story's main character is a teenager, this inspiring and gripping story will be enjoyed by all ages.
In this story, set in the 1630s in Switzerland, Hans Miller, a teenager, is faced with a hard decision. All his life he has admired the Swiss Army and longs to someday become a captain. But his Anabaptist neighbors speak of a different army and its Captain. What should he do? Although the story's main character is a teenager, this inspiring and gripping story will be enjoyed by all ages.
Binding | |
Book Category | |
Theme | Inspirational |